Monday, June 22, 2009

Be Challenged

"So What are you gonna do about it?"

courtesy of daryl lim
Youth camp 2009
Welcome back all region three four's.
Give thanks to the Lord that we have all safely returned from this awesome getaway with Jesus. I'm sure that all y'all campers are beaming as the salt and light of Christ right now. Do not stop! Continue to allow our Heavenly Father to stir and download into your hearts callings, visions and even dreams. Write them down, tell somebody, have a prayer partner... go through whatever measures to see them made possible.

Also, I confidently proclaim that the Lord have bestowed upon great faith and a fresh new anointing upon those who, before camp, have been feeling weary and tired. Now, always be reminded that the Lord is your defendant when all the world and the devil are against you. Do not let this separation perceive any longer. Cry out the Name of Jesus and receive the impartation of innocence.

Moreover, some of us will have to make some adjustments right now to get our lives in order for the will of God. Perhaps it could be cutting down on our computer, television times or prioritising our academics so that we do not omit our Lord in our walk with Him. Let us look to God who is bigger than our problems to save us from our own will.

One very powerful thing that really struck me this camp is how powerful the Word of the Lord truly is. Being able to quote and preach the Word of the Lord at one's fingertips that is. I'm really charged to memorise more verses by heart and I really believe that when one speak forth the word of God to another. It is no longer he/she who speaks from the body but allowing God to use us to be a channel to speak on His behalf. Not of our wisdom but of His omniscient truths.

Always remember that we are truly justified in Christ. So buckle up right now, cause the Lord will direct your adventure in faith. Proclaim His callings upon your lives everyday and see. Seek closely to the Lord for counsel and offer your thanksgiving; Eph 2:8 "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-- and it is not from yourselves, it is the work of God-- not by works, so that no one can boast.

As the Apostle Paul says in his last few letters (2 Tim 1:8) , "So do not be ashamed to testify about our Lord, or be ashamed of me His prisoner. But join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God" Let your life be one that learns how to sacrifice and is pleasing to the Lord. Let us be a region that reminds one another to stand strong in Christ so that the people around us will see that we are true worshippers.

Pray that the holy spirit convict our hearts and to deliever our minds from things unpure. Not forgetting to pray for your leaders so that we can lead with by truth and of holy example. Together we will see our church be not one of solely numbers but of one body who are not afraid to preach the good news boldly. Nevertheless, worshipping and awaiting for the one true living God.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Farewell (for 5 weeks)

Hello my beloved 3/4s!

I guess by the time (most of) you guys read this, you're back from camp.
I hope you guys really enjoyed the sessions (and games and whatnots) and most importantly, experienced God sosososo much more! (Especially the news kids in the block!)

Don't let the passion and fire die away after camp but keep burning strong aight?
I also pray that the camp has brought you guys closer and that you've grown to love one another more (I hope it's not the other way round! :p). And no, I don't mean scandals... :x
Nonetheless, do not neglect those that were not in camp... share the encounters and joy you had with them!
I think this region will be one that loves God and people so much! Believe it and do it. :)

It's a pity that I can't be there at youth camp or here in Singapore when you guys are back with all that excitement. I'm gonna miss you all so bad! I've said it many times and I will say it again.. haha. You guys have sucha special place in my heart that no other can replace. (No, not even my future BF.)
In the meantime, be good k?
I'll be back! (just before my birthday... *hint*)

I'll keep in touch with you guys thru MSN and FB, or you can sms me as well!
Love you all.

evie out.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Youth Activity

Hey guys, Are you feel stressed after exams and work? I got one place where you can chill, relax and get a nice sun tan.

Come and join us at and have a get time. It is going to be free and easy, so bring your volleyballs and soccer balls or even beach balls and have fun together.

Date: 6th June 2009
Time: 10am / 10.30am
Meeting Place: Hougang MRT / Harbourfront MRT
Things to bring: EZ link card, money for lunch, extra set of clothes and $4 for transportation for sky train, (Sun block lotion*, Sun tan lotion*) optional

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Regional Shirt

Hello I got no where else to post this so I posted here! Simple one.