Thursday, October 1, 2009

Hey all! I'm fufilling my job to try and keep this blog alive by posting up some interesting stuff! :) Firstly, the coolest church in town (which is my church) Victory Family Centre (not Center .. haha). is having our first ever city-wide YOUTH conference at the end of this year!!! It's is going to be great with a load of fun! We would have workshops in the day, and night Rallies which will be FREE ADMISSION! If you are keen to go, let me know.

PLease.. before you leave this blog at least click on the banner above for more information or visit the very cool website

Spread the word PPL! It is going to be a BLAST!!!! WOOTS

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Back 2 School is in 1 DAYS TIME!

Hey Guys !!! Back 2 School is in 1 DAYS TIME! Its going to be AWESOME!! INVITE your friends now before its too late!! There will be games! sharing!!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Back 2 School... - Youth Net Rally 09

Hey Youths,

Regional Youth Net Rally is coming up! Invite your friends NOW! Visitors are Free but We members need to pay a certain amount, Evie will let you know :D.

Here are publicity for this event!

Morning Service Publicity

Invitation Card

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Are We Afraid of being Labelled 'Holy'?

Work in Us Lord!

"So, because you are lukewarm - neither hot nor cold - I am about to spit you out of my mouth" Rev 3:16

"You must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect Him" Luke 12:40

I think the Lord is speaking quite clearly. It's about time for us to help each other, remind each other and keep each other in prayer. If you are looking at this, just simply take 5 to pray for your...
  1. Contacts you have been trying to reach out to/consolidate
  2. Leaders
  3. Fellow Members
  4. The Youth Ministry
  5. Our Own Spiritual Walk to be Bold and Ready

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Quick Word of Thanks

Hey 3/4! JJ here. I just wanna say thank you to all those who volunteered on Sunday. I didn't expect such a high turnout, and I must admit I was blown away by your willingness to serve. Thank you all for sparing your time, and your effort, to help out on Sunday.

By the way, have I ever mentioned this? I believe that this is the BEST region in the church! Y'all are like one big family, and some of the craziest people I've ever met! Stay Gold!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Be Challenged

"So What are you gonna do about it?"

courtesy of daryl lim
Youth camp 2009
Welcome back all region three four's.
Give thanks to the Lord that we have all safely returned from this awesome getaway with Jesus. I'm sure that all y'all campers are beaming as the salt and light of Christ right now. Do not stop! Continue to allow our Heavenly Father to stir and download into your hearts callings, visions and even dreams. Write them down, tell somebody, have a prayer partner... go through whatever measures to see them made possible.

Also, I confidently proclaim that the Lord have bestowed upon great faith and a fresh new anointing upon those who, before camp, have been feeling weary and tired. Now, always be reminded that the Lord is your defendant when all the world and the devil are against you. Do not let this separation perceive any longer. Cry out the Name of Jesus and receive the impartation of innocence.

Moreover, some of us will have to make some adjustments right now to get our lives in order for the will of God. Perhaps it could be cutting down on our computer, television times or prioritising our academics so that we do not omit our Lord in our walk with Him. Let us look to God who is bigger than our problems to save us from our own will.

One very powerful thing that really struck me this camp is how powerful the Word of the Lord truly is. Being able to quote and preach the Word of the Lord at one's fingertips that is. I'm really charged to memorise more verses by heart and I really believe that when one speak forth the word of God to another. It is no longer he/she who speaks from the body but allowing God to use us to be a channel to speak on His behalf. Not of our wisdom but of His omniscient truths.

Always remember that we are truly justified in Christ. So buckle up right now, cause the Lord will direct your adventure in faith. Proclaim His callings upon your lives everyday and see. Seek closely to the Lord for counsel and offer your thanksgiving; Eph 2:8 "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-- and it is not from yourselves, it is the work of God-- not by works, so that no one can boast.

As the Apostle Paul says in his last few letters (2 Tim 1:8) , "So do not be ashamed to testify about our Lord, or be ashamed of me His prisoner. But join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God" Let your life be one that learns how to sacrifice and is pleasing to the Lord. Let us be a region that reminds one another to stand strong in Christ so that the people around us will see that we are true worshippers.

Pray that the holy spirit convict our hearts and to deliever our minds from things unpure. Not forgetting to pray for your leaders so that we can lead with by truth and of holy example. Together we will see our church be not one of solely numbers but of one body who are not afraid to preach the good news boldly. Nevertheless, worshipping and awaiting for the one true living God.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Farewell (for 5 weeks)

Hello my beloved 3/4s!

I guess by the time (most of) you guys read this, you're back from camp.
I hope you guys really enjoyed the sessions (and games and whatnots) and most importantly, experienced God sosososo much more! (Especially the news kids in the block!)

Don't let the passion and fire die away after camp but keep burning strong aight?
I also pray that the camp has brought you guys closer and that you've grown to love one another more (I hope it's not the other way round! :p). And no, I don't mean scandals... :x
Nonetheless, do not neglect those that were not in camp... share the encounters and joy you had with them!
I think this region will be one that loves God and people so much! Believe it and do it. :)

It's a pity that I can't be there at youth camp or here in Singapore when you guys are back with all that excitement. I'm gonna miss you all so bad! I've said it many times and I will say it again.. haha. You guys have sucha special place in my heart that no other can replace. (No, not even my future BF.)
In the meantime, be good k?
I'll be back! (just before my birthday... *hint*)

I'll keep in touch with you guys thru MSN and FB, or you can sms me as well!
Love you all.

evie out.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Youth Activity

Hey guys, Are you feel stressed after exams and work? I got one place where you can chill, relax and get a nice sun tan.

Come and join us at and have a get time. It is going to be free and easy, so bring your volleyballs and soccer balls or even beach balls and have fun together.

Date: 6th June 2009
Time: 10am / 10.30am
Meeting Place: Hougang MRT / Harbourfront MRT
Things to bring: EZ link card, money for lunch, extra set of clothes and $4 for transportation for sky train, (Sun block lotion*, Sun tan lotion*) optional

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Regional Shirt

Hello I got no where else to post this so I posted here! Simple one.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

A wise man told me today that:

Leaders have one thing in common; Passion.
and the thing about them is, you can feel it when you're with them.


God responds to hunger.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Smart-Casual Sunday

Hey guys, it's been sometime since we did this!
So thought we should 'revive' it. Ha.

For those that are still living in their own world, there's actually a Youth Global Day of Prayer THIS SUNDAY! It's gonna be at Expo at 3pm (we'll all be heading down after morning service), after which, we're going to hang out and have dinner at Popeyes @ Changi Airport!


And since it's a 'special' day, we've decided to dress up a lil'. :)
Yes, the title says it all -

Dress code: Smart Casual (Guys - shirt&jeans/pants, Girls - dresses/skirts)

Spread the word around!

Thanks guys :)


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Youth Net Rally!

The Youth Net Rally is here again! Come join us for our very first beach-themed party and a night of food and games --- both indoors and outdoors! Even though it's at night, the fluorescent lights and fake palm trees will create all the beach-y atmosphere we need! So gear yourself up with shades and flip-flops for an enjoyable night of fun!
Date: Friday, May 15, 2009
Time: 6:45pm - 9:30pm
Location: Girls' Brigade

Buses that stop at the nearest bus stop:

80, 81, 82, 101, 103, 107, 136 & 153.

Monday, May 11, 2009


Hey guys i am looking for peoples to organize June Youth Activity! If you are interested please let me know!

Johnathan aka Brother Bear

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Hey guys, i thought i would just post this video up because It's a beautiful Song of God's Love. CLICK THAT BUTTON! HAHA.

By Your Side - Tenth Avenue North

Why are you striving these days
Why are you trying to earn grace
Why are you crying
Let me lift up your face
Just don't turn away

Why are you looking for love
Why are you still searching as if I'm not enough
To where will you go child
Tell me where will you run
To where will you run

And I'll be by your side
Wherever you fall
In the dead of night
Whenever you call
And please don't fight
These hands that are holding you
My hands are holding you

Look at these hands and my side
They swallowed the grave on that night
When I drank the world's sin
So I could carry you in
And give you life
I want to give you life
(Chorus 2x)

Cause I, I love you
I want you to know
That I, I love you
I'll never let you go....

Friday, April 10, 2009

Biggest Storm Wields the Greatest Catch

I just came back from Business Camp at Ngee Ann. All the hustle and bustle a week after the trip form Seattle. When my sister or mother ask me are your friends going, whether the handbills has been sent out, other miscellaneous issues that concerns the contacts assurance to the GNS. I must honestly say I stumbled in my faith. I realise that I was too involved by the worldly issues that ranges from serious GL work to fancily staring into the computer screen.

As a harvester, I was like a maidservant sleeping and not preparing the oil to await the master's arrival. Not confirming details of whether my contacts are coming, what time can they meet, how can I consolidate them well.

Insignificant these stuff may seem. But then I wonder how would Jesus see them and work them out whole heartedly.

Fotunately, I also stumbled upon the old edge cast mini's in the midst of my playlist Matt 9. Having a heart of Jesus going through every barrier just to get to us and all I have to do is to pick up the phone and call my friend, that certain classmate or that freshie that I made. Not a duty but bringing God's Word alive and reaching out God's heart to them.

This also reminds me that I haven't been reading His Word and nothing can convince these hopefuls if nothing comes into the conveyer.

Also, reminding me that it's all about Him.. all about the Saviour. The one that is actually going to save and complete my friends' lives. 2Cor.10 Boasting in the Lord, not comparing myself with Reg3/4 youths instead looking to God and measuring to his standards, his potential in us, not recognition or attention.

Facing trials and rejoyce that our friends who we think will come, not want to come. I should look to the ones that are not invited to the wedding banquet. Rejoyce that God is bigger than our problems. Remembering that the grace of Jesus convicts them and not to condemn them. That they should feel uncomfortable at least they know they are loved by the Lord Almighty.

I realise that I have been too selective...choosing the people I want to bring and knowing they are more receptive. Don't Jesus love them just as much, they people that slips my mind...obvious or oblivious. Do I even scan through my possibility list?

I tell you I begun telling my friends about GNS right away...better late than never. Those that replied said thank you and will be considering about coming. Now, I'm more worried about not having enough tickets. Jesus. I'm small and You are Big. I'll shall take the small steps and I believe You will do the rest.

Tickets!!! argh Friday tickets. Pardon the messy thought. But I pray that VFC youths are ready to reach the thousands that will be flooding in. Oh Lord help us! Thank You Jesus

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Clearing Cobwebs

Haha this place is dormant. Looks like it's not gonna work out to be a lively place after all. Anyway I just wanted to share a passage I came across while reading the Daily Bread which I think it was really good and applicable to me. I think it'll apply to you as well so here goes;

March 25, 2009
In All Kinds Of Weather
READ: Acts 18:9-11
Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. —Matthew 28:20

When Jesus sent His disciples out, He gave them this promise: “I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matt. 28:20). Literally, the word always means “all the days,” according to Greek scholars Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown.

Jesus didn’t simply say, “always,” but “all the days.” That takes into account all our various activities, the good and bad circumstances surrounding us, the varied responsibilities we have through the course of our days, the storm clouds and the sunshine.

Our Lord is present with us no matter what each day brings. It may be a day of joy or of sadness, of sickness or of health, of success or of failure. No matter what happens to us today, our Lord is walking beside us, strengthening us, loving us, filling us with faith, hope, and love. As He envelops us with quiet serenity and security, our foes, fears, afflictions, and doubts begin to recede. We can bear up in any setting and circumstance because we know the Lord is at hand, just as He told Paul in Acts 18:10, “I am with you.”

Practice God’s presence, stopping in the midst of your busy day to say to yourself, “The Lord is here.” And pray that you will see Him who is invisible—and see Him everywhere. — David H. Roper

God’s unseen presence comforts me,
I know He’s always near;
And when life’s storms besiege my soul,
He says, “My child, I’m here.” —D. De Haan

Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. —Isaiah 55:6

Hope this is helpful when you all are feeling down depressed and all kinds of stuff. God's always there waiting for us to call Him.

Hope everyone's doing fine in school or where-ever you are, holidays or not.
It's handbilling season again so let's get up and down for the distribution of it (:
Everyone should post here frequently. (Though that was really random but who cares)
Did a little revamp on the photo too haha though we don't really have a proper regional photo.
More should take up photography.
It's a good skill
Glad to see people having good responses at outreaches during net.
And at Edge
Anyway the people that visit this blog are the younger ones haha the days where we roamed the Internet whenever we could get our hands on it
As time passes the Internet loses its... attractiveness to such stuff.

Remember, "YOU are a gift from GOD!"

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Evelyn's infatuation with lions

(Awww, so sweet.)

Saturday, February 28, 2009

First Net Outreach of 2009!

Hey guys! I'm sure I'm not the only one feeling pumped up and excited about the net outreaches we just had a few hours ago! And already I'm hearing about so many awesome testimonies and fun times you had! Post some pictures and a short testimony of what happened during net, how many visitors, how many salvation.. or other things that just come to your mind! It'll be great to share it with the whole region and in time to come, when we look back at these posts, to be grateful to God for what He has done! =D

I will start with one, so please you guys, continue ya?! =)

It's a slight personal testimony, mixed with the nets' testimony. Ha, so yup, here it goes!

Well, as most of you know, I was originally from Region4 aka the crazy nets and I was slightly sad that I hadta change region.. human nature just kicks in! It's totally not that I dislike Region3, it was just a matter of change. I really love my nets at Region4 and it has sorta become a comfortable place for me to be in. But I know God has greater plans for me. =)

I got really excited for what God is going to do and how He is going to use me in Region3. To be frank, it was quite a culture shock when I went to the Hougang net cos it was so quiet, so unlike Region4 peeps who talk even when I'm sharing the lesson. HAHA.

Towards nearing the today's (rather, yesterday's) outreach, the net was given a choice to multiply into 3 nets, or wait till Mar. TO my amazement, they all decided that they should multiply into 3 on 27 FEB! I was sooo excited to hear that and I could feel their excitement on it, cos everyone started planning and discussing and praying in their new cells; there was a total atmosphere change!

GUESS WHAT? Josephine's net had 2 visitors, Adrielle's net had 1 visitor, and James & Pamela's net had 4 visitors! Is God awesome or what? I think that if it was a combined net outreach (their original net), we might not have gotten 7 visitors altogether, cos it's just a mentality that everyone else will bring their friends. So I wanna thank God and commend you guys for doing your part! I'm sure we all had a great time and our friends are going to continue coming back!

Now.. Region3 rocks my socks! Haha.

I love you 3/4 guys&gals! =)

<3 e.v.i.e

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Channel 34 News 4 from robinhood on Vimeo.

Friday, January 30, 2009



hope you guys got sick of counting cash

p.s. Evie. I'm are waiting for u to give me red packet!!! Faster get married le!!!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Chinese People at their very Best!

How Awful. All this silence...
Here's some vids to perk you people up
Titanic = dumb

At least now Bella's really hawt!

Still creepy though funny

Enjoy people! =D

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Thought I would leave my mark here amidst my busyness, so that I won't be forgotten. HAHA. Yes, I need to feel loved. Thank u. =p

ANYWAYS, I just wanna say you guys have been AWESOME in bringing people to the EDGE! For these two weeks, our region has been occupying like FIVE ROWS instead of the usual three or four. I know it's not like exactly five rows, but if you count those that are sitting at the back and at other region (we all know who.. hahaha... don't worry, we still love u guys.).. we actually have five rows of people. =)
SO... I really wanna encourage you all to keep it going and continue bringing your friends, as well as encouraging those that are not regular in coming for Edge. It's EXCITING times man... and I can't explain it, but God is really doing something great in our Youth Ministry. You just gotta be involved to feeeel it. Know what I mean?? =p
For those that were not at Edge today, you missed it! We actually crossed the 300 barrier and had THREEHUNDREDANDTWENTYONE youths today. SO COOL!

BTW, bowling is up this upcoming Saturday, for more info, stay tune (I can't remember all the details at the back of my head now)!
I do know that it's at Yishun Safra and it costs $3.50 for shoes and a game, and you have to be in groups of 6 (though I'm sure this is not an issue). BRING your friends along, but do be sure to let Alan aka our YC know. Don't forget to pay and sign up tomorrow!

Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteouness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Matt 6: 33


Friday, January 9, 2009

Regional Tee!!!


We are trying to get the regional tee designs going. So if your are free, please do try to come out with a design or a logo. If you are not free, ask someone who is free to help you. There are no boundaries. Any colour, material. Anything and everything goes. This means it need not be red and white, it need not be in dry fit material and it need not be of a jersey design.

Please try to come with as many designs as possible. Currently we only have 2 designs. Come on people, we as a region will be able to come up with way more designs than just 2 right?

Do state the colours that you want on the piece of paper that has your design. We will also accept designs done on the computer. Just put them into a disc/thumbdrive.

After the designs are done, please pass it to your all so wonderful net leaders at net group on the 23/01/2009.

Lets make our tee a tee so wonderful, when people see, they will wish that they were from our region.


Saturday, January 3, 2009

2009 of wonders

Hello everyone Watchnight's over, and reality is all of us have to go back to School, Work or whatever. However sad that is, we can all still look forward to weekends alright.
2008 has been a year of great things, though probably at times things may not be as good but let's just pray hard for a good 2009. It's been really great spending the last day of 2008 with you all, and not to mention the first day of 2009, and I'm certain that it's much better than any lame countdown parties (though we didn't really countdown but it was still a blast) hahahahaha.
Anyway just before I go back into The Terrifying Territory Across Singapore Mainland by Boat for another week, was thinking that Yesterday's Net Lesson on Great Faith was really good esp to start off the new year in our schools. Something about not letting your past experiences hinder your faith or something along that line. Along with something that God sorta spoke to me about at Edge last week... thought it would be good if I could share it with you all.

Even as we go our different routes to school, remember that our goals and aims are pretty much similar - Taking the city for God! In the different schools we are in, continue to be a Light for God that shines bright and don't let the flame die down literally. Esp when we go back to school and the environment is not as ideal as a church environment is.. guard your hearts like the bible says

Above all else guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. Proverbs 4.23

Stand strong on Godly foundations, I mean.. If we are doing things the way God wants us to be, the devil won't be too happy so he will come and attack... SO GUARD your hearts well, pray and seek God even before you go to school, on the way there to school, say a prayer to ask God to bless your day. It makes a difference.. at least to me.. when I start a day with a prayer things really go much better and easier for me.. as compared to a day which i may have been lazy to say one.. Esp when most of you are fresh products of YouthCamp!
Oh yeah. On a sidenote. Must stay positive admist all the possible tests homework you have to complete. (though it's difficult) but you all have this whole year to practice about being positive about homework HAHAHA.

I know you guys will be Awesomezzxzxzxz Peeeeopleeezxzxz in school as a Living Testimony for our Mighty God!
Let's count on God for a good 2009! Let this song be an encouragement to you and always remember that you're not alone in this fight for God!

When the darkness tries to hide my way
Your word is the light that guides my faith
I will trust in You
I will trust in You

When my heart is weak
And I have lost my way
I will lift up my eyes
And choose to say
I will trust in You
I will trust in You

I can do all things through Christ
I can move a mountain if You are the strength of my life
I can do all things through Christ
If You are the strength of my life

In your presence I find strength renewed
I find courage to stand and a hope that is new
I will trust in You
I will trust in You

I can do all things through Christ
I can move a mountain if You are the strength of my life
I can do all things through Christ
If You are the strength of my life

(+ the bridge that i really couldnt catch by ear)

Let's believe God for a 2009 of wonders - with Him as the strength of our lives! 2009 is gonna be one different and amazing year! Keep one another in prayer!


Friday, January 2, 2009

For Your Eyes' Pleasure

I can only upload these for now. Blogger refuses to let me upload the rest!